Dave Osborne

Dave has been a fountain of information to those of us involved with this web site and it is because his diligent service to our cause that we dedicate this page to him.

Recently, Dave collaborated with Roger Freeman to produce the book The B-17 Flying Fortress Story, listing all of the B-17s built and arranged by serial number.

Dave Osborne grew up in Halstead, 8 miles from Ridgewell. His interest in the B-17 began when making models for his son Corin . His son outgrew the passion but Dave continued on, writing a letter to an Air Force magazine seeking information on the 381st. He received a reply from Pax Sherwood, a former 535th squadron pilot and first president of the 381st BGMA.

He also received replies from Fred Krueger, a Sgt. in the weather section and Albert Atz (now deceased), a top turret gunner with the 535th. From their information, he was able to obtain group record microfilms and a vast number of photographs. His interest and pursuit of information lead him to become one of the most knowledgeable experts on the 381st. His expertise was also tapped for the development of the great NBC documentary “All the Fine Young Men” which featured many members of the 381st BG.

Over the years, Dave and his wife Jo-Anne have attended group reunions in various cities. It was while they were at the San Francisco reunion that they learned their daughter Kerrie was killed in a traffic accident while on vacation in France, leaving behind a baby son and husband.

Dave died September 26, 2016 at the age of 81. He will be missed by many.