
381st Bomb Group – Lost Crew Roster
This is a listing of all planes that went down during the war along with base incidents resulting in personnel loss. Not all plane losses resulted in KIA’s. All information presented here has been gathered from “The Mighty Men of the 381st: Heroes All” by James Good Brown, Chaplain of the 381st Bomb Group.
MISSION 1 -- June 22, 1943, Antwerp, Belgium.
Listed as Missing In Action:

532nd Squadron
lst Lt. Horr, Earl R. P
2nd Lt. Roberts, William R. CP
2nd Lt. Griffith, George P. N
2nd Lt. Hoover, Chester L.
S/Sgt. Mandell, Robert N.
S/Sgt. Chapin, Glenn A.
Sgt. Henry, Charles R.
S/Sgt. Jones, Arthur A.
S/Sgt. Clark, Hubert R.
S/Sgt. Hudson, Evert 1.

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Martin, John J.
F/0 Marsh, Robert J.
2nd Lt. Long, Harry R.
2nd Lt. Hoag, Wallace W.
Sgt. Goswick, Hugh F.
S/Sgt. Lantto, James S.
S/Sgt. Fornaro, Leonard J.
S/Sgt. Geary, William
S/Sgt. Witts, Glenn W.
S/Sgt. Hutchison, John B.

Killed in the bomb explosion on the base, June 23, 1943:
Cpl. James H. King
S/Sgt. Elwood H. Harris
2nd Lt. Paul E. Tull
Cpl. Joseph F. Sproha
S/Sgt. Michael J. Egan
Sgt. Joseph J. Kristapavich
Cpl. Milton J. Foerstel
Sgt. Christian Langoff
Cpl. Elmer F. Madden
T/Sgt. Ervin Bohlander
Pfc. Robert N. Ashcraft
Cpl. Melvin L. Jerkins
S/Sgt. James J. Lintgen
Cpl. George Fiamma
Sgt. Henry Bongiorno
Cpl. Charles A. Feeley
Cpl. James A. Main
Cpl. Roger H. Allen
Sgt. Louis Smulowitz
Sgt. Joseph L. Neel
Sgt. Dennis L. Collins
Cpl. Guy McDuffee
T/Sgt. Charles H. Wilton

MISSION 3 -- June 25,1943. Hamburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
Ist Lt. Schrader, Robert K. P
Capt. Hamilton, John H. CP
2nd Lt. Rogers, Edward J. N
2nd Lt. Samara, Edward G. B
S/Sgt. Cutting, William K. TTG
S/Sgt. Yarnell, William W. RO
Sgt. Kurnafil, Stephen WG
Sgt. Pruiett, Cecil A. BTG
S/Sgt. Frisby, Lewis E. TG
Sgt. Leidecker, Ted W. WG

Several men were wounded in ships that returned from this Hamburg raid
of June 25, 1943. Two of these died from wounds. Their names are:
S/Sgt. Brinton, Charles WASN 33293733, 533rd Sq.
S/Sgt. Tieman, Ivan J. ASN 35354622, 534th Sq.

MISSION 7 -- July 4, 1943. Le Mans, France.
The following combat crew was lost:

533rd Squadron
Ist Lt. Ballinger, Olaf M. P
2nd Lt. Carah, John M. CP
2nd Lt. McConnell, Paul H. N
2nd Lt. Williams, George W. B
T/Sgt. Lane, John K. RO
T/Sgt. Cromstal, Byron J. TTG
S/Sgt. Wackerman, Albert G. BTG
S/Sgt. Bauscher, Harry W. RWG
S/Sgt. Owens, Francis E. LWG
S/Sgt. Howell, William C. TG

MISSION 9 -- July 14,1943. Amiens/Glisy, France.
Combat Crew Missing in Action.

535th Squadron
Ist Lt. Holdem, Robert J. P
2nd Lt. Gravelyn, Robert H. CP
2nd Lt. Bechter, William A. N
2nd Lt. Phillips, James A. B
S/Sgt. Coleman, William R. TTG
S/Sgt. Craver, William L. RO
S/Sgt. Pryon, Morris E. RWG
S/Sgt. Puffiner, Raymond J. BTG
S/Sgt. Fossan, Kenneth L. LWG
S/Sgt. Scollon, James B. TG

MISSION 11 -- July 24, 1943. Heroya, Norway.
The following combat crew Missing in Action.

535th Squadron
Ist Lt. Jones, Osce V. P
Ist Lt. McIntosh, George B. Jr. CP
2nd Lt. Guertin, Arthur L. N
2nd Lt. Nevius, Charles W. B
T/Sgt. Nicatra, Joseph (NMI) RO
S/Sgt. Haynie, James E. TTG
S/Sgt. Newcomb, Charles W. BTG
S/Sgt. Farly, Shannon B. LWG
S/Sgt. Haugen, Alfred E. RWG
S/Sgt. Kelleher, Maurice M. TG
(Added later: Landed in Sweden. All returned to Ridgewell.
Jones went down again, leading the Group. McIntosh went
down again, but is POW. Frankfurt, Germany, Mar. 20, 1944.
Nevius only one left on Base, June 19, 1944.)

MISSION 12 -- July 25, 1943. Hamburg, Germany.
The following combat crews Missing in Action:

532 Squadron
lst Lt. Moore, William R. P
2nd Lt. Wendte, Dale G. CP
2nd Lt. Dreiseszum, Philip P. N
2nd Lt. Houck, James H. B
T/Sgt. Usher, Edward W. RO
T/Sgt. Ivey, John E. TTG
S/Sgt. Fortier, William L. WG
S/Sgt. Watkins, John M. TG
S/Sgt. Kralien, Joseph G. WG
S/Sgt. Zahm, Edgerton P. BTG

532nd Squadron
Ist Lt. Owen, Jack H. P
2nd Lt. Bohan, William E. CP
2nd Lt. Bascon, Liston A. N
2nd Lt. Ronzio, Frank B
T/Sgt. Slater, Roy L. RO
T/Sgt. Lindenmeyer, William E. WG
S/Sgt. Winn, Charles K. BTG
S/Sgt. Asher, Clarence C. WG
S/Sgt. Rector, Kenneth K. TTG
S/Sgt. Cummins, Robert L. TG

532nd Squadron
Capt. Alexander, Joe E. P
2nd Lt. Crowley, William C. CP
2nd Lt. Wemmer, Jack W. N
Ist Lt. Heilman, Harold B
T/Sgt. Orin, George H. RO
T/Sgt. Nance, James C. TTG
S/Sgt. Garvan, Peter D. BTG
Sgt. Johnsen, George R. TG
Sgt. Ferens, Walter F. WG
Sgt. Heist, James E. WG

MISSION 13 -- July 26, 1943. Hamburg, Germany.
The following crew members were Killed in Action:
535th Squadron
Lt. Novell, Sydney N Lt. Novell was killed by flak over the target. It was his first mission.

MISSION 16 --July 30, 1943. Kassel, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

Maj. Post, Robert F. P
Ist Lt. Humason, Guerdon W. CP
2nd Lt. Casaly, Alfred P
2nd Lt. Hames, Leroy N. N
2nd Lt. Tsialas, William G. B
Sgt. Kithcart, William H. E
T/Sgt. Parker, Albert L. Jr. R
S/Sgt. Fabiano, Frank BT
S/Sgt. Anderson, Walter J. WG
Sgt. Robbins, Harold E. WG

MISSION 17 -- Aug. 12, 1943. Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action.

535th Squadron
F/0 Evans, Fred G.
F/0 Robbins, Joseph K.
2nd Lt. Lander, John F.
2nd Lt. Watkins, Clarence A.
S/Sgt. Kern, Herbert R.
T/Sgt. Dodge, Charles G.
S/Sgt. Mesler, Walter V.
S/Sgt. Miller, Charles C.
S/Sgt. Doll, Stuart A.
S/Sgt. Hackett, Kenneth L.

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Wroblicka, William
2nd Lt. Neeley, Claude E.
2nd Lt. Harris, David E.
2nd Lt. Schneider, Lester
S/Sgt. Labusheiviuz, Joseph G.
S/Sgt. Smith, Fred M.
S/Sgt. Jonson, Edswin M.
S/Sgt. Kratzer, John L.
Sgt. Phelan, John C.
Sgt. Cecil, Walter R.

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Moon, Theadore I.
2nd Lt. Hamer, James JW.
2nd Lt. Pritz, Stephen J.
2nd Lt. McNichol, Berhard J.
T/Sgt. Ernharth, John F.
T/Sgt. Fleming, Michael
S/Sgt. Wheeler, John L.
S/Sgt. Alsheimer, Wilbur
S/Sgt. Wood, Howard F.
S/Sgt. Mattfield

MISSION 20---August 17, 1943. Schweinfurt, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
1st Lt. King, R.M. P
1st Lt. Peeples, H.C. CP
2nd Lt. McGlynn, E.S. N
lst Lt. Petrillo, F.A. B
T/Sgt. Unger, M.W. RO
S/Sgt. Flours, C.L. TT
S/Sgt. Pollard, A.A. BT
S/Sgt. Mann, J.D. RW
S/Sgt. Dwyer, R.E. LW
S/Sgt. Lyons, J.R. TG

533rd Squadron
F/0 Hudson, James C. P
2nd Lt. Grant, William R. CP
2nd Lt. Delaney, Ronald T. N
2nd Lt. Robinson, Kenneth E. B
T/Sgt. Pinsky David RO
T/Sgt. Vaughn, Edward R. TT
S/Sgt. Wakefield, James A. RW
S/Sgt. Thueson, Ford W. LW
S/Sgt. Vaughn, John M. BT
S/Sgt. Doyle, George A. TG

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Atkinson, Challen P. P
2nd Lt. Dulberger, Murray E. CP
2nd Lt. Freberger, Fred N
2nd Lt. Marks, Julian M. B
T/Sgt. Kaska, Stanley C. RO
T/Sgt. Hanna, Richard J. TT
S/Sgt. McGoldrick, James C. BT
S/Sgt. Goss, Hubert A. LW
S/Sgt. Katsarelis, P.A. RW
S/Sgt. Hyk, John TG

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Jarvis, Leo P
2nd Lt. Mancinelli, E.E. CP
1st Lt. Riley, Richard F. N
2nd Lt. Lockhart, W.D. B
T/Sgt. Logan, A.R. RO
S/Sgt. Persinger, C.L. BT
S/Sgt. Stecher, H.L. WG
S/Sgt. Grossman, H.E. WG
S/Sgt. Roehl, E.E. TT

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Painter, Jack B. P
lst Lt. Nelson, Robert E. CP
2nd Lt. Keays, William J. N
2nd Lt. Duke, Lloyd L. B
S/Sgt. Balentine, William C. RO
S/Sgt. Kowalski, Mathew B. TT
S/Sgt. Kellogg, Allen P. BT
S/Sgt. Genz, Raymond A.
S/Sgt. Whitman, Norman G.
2nd Lt. Ragan, Everett B.
S/Sgt. Mizell, James C.

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Disbrow, L.C.
2nd Lt. Chapin, A. J.
2nd Lt. Jones, D.R.
2nd Lt. Gaydos, G.
T/Sgt. Moore, T.R.
T/Sgt. Bruzewski, O.F.
S/Sgt. Walters, J. J.
S/Sgt. Moulton, J.H.
S/Sgt. King, E.C.
S/Sgt. Kiniklis, W.P.
1st Lt. Smith, H.M..
2nd Lt. Hawkins, S.J.
2nd Lt. Noonan, J.P.
2nd Lt. Gwinn, T.W.
T/Sgt. Sylvester, Tony A.
S/Sgt. Lischke, Judd
S/Sgt. Jupin, John
S/Sgt. Elsberry, John V.
S/Sgt. Blake, Harold L.
S/Sgt. Colborn, Robert L.

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Wright, N.H.
2nd Lt. Rogers,J.W.
2nd Lt. Haverkamp, C.M.
2nd Lt. Stracotenko, J.M.
S/Sgt. Sowell, W.F.
T/Sgt. Allen, E.R.
S/Sgt. Egliski, P.J.
S/Sgt. Bingenheimer, R.F.
S/Sgt. Hill, J.R.
S/Sgt. St. Michael, W.

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Folkner, Hamden L.
2nd Lt. Kelly, J.A.
2nd Lt. Hyatt, R.E.
1st Lt. Vincent, E.L.
S/Sgt. Shattuck, C.E.
S/Sgt. Shipe, Paul F.
S/Sgt. Stease, R.E.
S/Sgt. Sobolewski, E.F.
S/Sgt. Horton, H.H.
S/Sgt. Chew, Lin F.
1st Lt. Simpson, Weldon
2nd Lt. Agler, Elden H.
1st Lt. Mee, William H.
1st Lt. Roraback, Douglas C.
S/Sgt. Edwards, Robert L.
T/Sgt. Warwick, Russell L.
S/Sgt. Beech, Frank M.
S/Sgt. Gregory, Paul A.
S/Sgt. Bassinger, Robin L.
S/Sgt. Beasley, Chester J.

MISSION 21 -- August 19, 1943. Gilze Rijen, Holland.
The following combat crew is reported as Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Mongaruan, Joseph L.
2nd Lt. O'Loughlin, Edward T.
T/Sgt. Chester, Russell
S/Sgt. Sabourin, Eugene A.

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Koenig, Orlando H.
1st Lt. Spivey, Leonard L.
T/Sgt. Perkins, Leo 1.
S/Sgt. Buran, Walter J.
S/Sgt. Everett, Arthur L.
S/Sgt. Jones, Wilbert G.

MISSION 25 -- Sept. 3, 1943. Romilly, France.
The following combat crew is reported Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Hoover, Charles H. P
2nd Lt. Willis, John W. Jr. CP
2nd Lt. Clark, Luther C. N
2nd Lt. Italien, Robert W. B
S/Sgt. Myers, Edwin B. E
T/Sgt. Terry, Floyd H. RO
S/Sgt. Bang, Charles F. BTG
S/Sgt. Zum, Benjamin J. RWG
S/Sgt. Crocittio, Frank J. LWG
S/Sgt. Christofero, Ferdinand TG

MISSION 36 --October 8, 1943. Bremen, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
Major Ingenhutt, William W. P
1st Lt. Cormany, William F. Jr. CP
1st Lt. Frost, Edwin D. N
1st Lt. Black, Robert C. B
T/Sgt. Roeder, Robert R. RO
T/Sgt. Miller, Earl F. TTG
S/Sgt. O'Hara, James J. BTG
S/Sgt. Smith, Richard W. RWG
S/Sgt. Dwyer, James J. LWG
1st Lt. Weniger, Robert L TG

Capt-Manchester, Edwin R. P
Capt-Jukes, Elton D. CP
1st Lt. Smith, Marvin L. N
1Ist Lt. Moore, Keith D. B
T/Sgt. Darrington, Lovenzo M. RG
T/Sgt. O'Donnell, James J. TTG
S/Sgt. Tucker, Arthur L. BTG
S/Sgt. McCook, Wade (NMI) TG
S/Sgt. Budzik, Anthony L. RWG
S/Sgt. Berk, Mathew (NMI) LWG

1St Lt. Kemp, Leslie A. P
2nd Lt. Heim, William C. CP
2nd Lt. Tomlin, Frank E. N
2nd Lt. Nelson, Thomas B. B
S/Sgt. Richards, Walter L. RO
T/Sgt. Jennette, Arthur F. TTG
S/Sgt. Gentry, Gilles E. BTG
S/Sgt. Osborn, Edward F. TG
S/Sgt. Duffy, Raymond V. LWG
S/Sgt. Stinsman, James (NMI) RWG
1st Lt. Minerich, William J. 0-795807, CO-Pilot in Seller's plane.
Head blown off. Tinker Toy. Nose shot off.

532nd Squadron
Ist Lt. Sample, Arthur M. P
2nd Lt. Cytarzymski, Edward A. CP
Capt. Mackey, Norman C. N
S/Sgt. Moore, Robert V. B
S/Sgt. Ballou, Howard W. TG
T/Sgt. Heintz, Warren G. RO
S/Sgt. Olson, Melvin J. BTG
S/Sgt. Grayson, William H. RWG
S/Sgt. Forbes, James R. LWG
S/Sgt. Johnston, George R. TG

1st Lt. Pry, Jack S. P
2nd Lt. Quinley, Cecil W. CP
2nd Lt. Burwell, Roger W. B
2nd Lt. Snyder, Theodore F. N
T/Sgt. LaPointe, Edward R. TTG
T/Sgt. Frautschi, Russell H. ROG
S/Sgt. Smith, Irvin W. BTG
S/Sgt. Baird, Carl L. RWG
S/Sgt. Johnson, Alfred A. LWG
S/Sgt. Brandt, Martin D. TG

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Hartze, James W. P
2nd Lt. Jerome, Joseph C. CP
2nd Lt. Norton, Edgar D. N
2nd Lt. Chanault, Joe P. B
S/Sgt. Kaseman, Eugene W. TTG
S/Sgt. LaPlace, Gerald G. ROG
S/Sgt. Boykin, Clayton M. BTG
S/Sgt. Swackhaner, Edward A. RWG
Sgt. Cyyz, Edward (NMI) LWG
S/Sgt. Sieber, Arthur T. TG

534th Squadron
Capt. Lishon, Dexter (NMI) P
2nd Lt. Long, Carlton H. CP
1st Lt. Gluck, Robert (NMI) N
2nd Lt. Rokosa, Phillip V. B
T/Sgt. Johnson, Canute M. TTG
T/Sgt. Riddle, Lloyd C. ROG
S/Sgt. Madison, Clarence D. BTG
S/Sgt. Stuart, George A. RWG
S/Sgt. Schnalzer, John J. LWG
S/Sgt. Marques, William J. TG

MISSION 37 --October 9, 1943. Anklam, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Liming, Max E. CP
2nd Lt. Taormina, Anthony P. N
2nd Lt. Morgan, John B. B
T/Sgt. Teal, Gordon TTG
(Note: Bailed out over target. Ship returned.)

533rd Squadron
Major Hendricks, Landon C. P
Capt. Withers, Robert L. CP
2nd Lt. Duggan, William P. TG
Capt. English, Leo K. B
T/Sgt. McNeil, Charles C.
T/Sgt. Willdridge, John M.
S/Sgt. Arbiter, Jerome
S/Sgt. Howard, Lord A. RWG
S/Sgt. O'Hara, Ernest A. LWG

1st Lt. Carqueville, Herbert P
2nd Lt. Parsons, Robert R. CP
2nd Lt. Smith, Charles Hale N
2nd Lt. Cunningham, Thomas T. B
T/Sgt. Geroule, Vito J. LWG
T/Sgt. Kapustka, John B. TTG
S/Sgt. Embardo, James J. BTG
S/Sgt. Fox, Anthony F. RWG
S/Sgt. Horne, Emery M. G

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Loftin, James L. P
2nd Lt. Cornell, Chester E. CP
2nd Lt. Beckerman, Hyman (NMI) N
2nd Lt. Czarny, Stanley J. B
T/Sgt. Kwoka, Leon J. TTG
T/Sgt. Silverberg, Charles G. ROG
S/Sgt. Cyrek, Eugene E. BTG
S/Sgt. Huhn, Allen 0. RWG
T/Sgt. Nader, Joseph C. LWG
S/Sgt. Alford, Allen T. TG

MISSION 39 --October 14, 1943. Schweinfurt, Germany.
The following combat crrew is reported Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
Ist Lt. Yorba, Bernarde M. Jr. P
2nd LSt. Childers, Gordon L. CP
2nd Lt. Dall, Martin M. N
2nd Lt. Roberson, Wilbur G. B
T/Sgt. Gorgone, William (NMI) TTG
S/Sgt. Gracey, Edgar H. ROG
S/Sgt. Boylan, Robert P. BTG
S/Sgt. Huitt, Kenneth 0. WG
S/Sgt. Feller, Michael S. WG
S/Sgt. Johnson, Johnie N. TG
SS/Sgt. Klinger, Stephen J. TG
Killed in Action. Returned to Base, in another plane.

MISSION 42---November 5, 1943. Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Anderson, John K. CP
T/Sgt. Maloney, Wayne L. RP
T/Sgt. Lindsey, Kinley W. TTG
S/Sgt. Skrapits, John F. RWG
T/Sgt. McGinty, Francis R. LWG
S/Sgt. Smith, Charles F. TG
(The pilot flew plane back with three of crew)

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Hopp, Donald K. P
2nd Lt. Carr, Walter C. CP
2nd Lt. Tyler, Marshall E. N
2nd Lt. Johnston, William J. B
T/Sgt. East, Roy W. RO
T/Sgt. Girvin, Alexander M. TTG
S/Sgt. Richard, Armand R. BTG
S/Sgt. True, Robert G. LWG
S/Sgt. Greer, Julius F. RWG
S/Sgt. Woodyatt, Richard E. TG

MISSION 46 -- December 1, 1943. Leverkusen, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Duncan, Jason H. P
2nd Lt. Allchim, Harry CP
2nd Lt. Hoffman, Mac W. N
2nd Lt. Kessler, Robert G. B
S/Sgt. Doherty, Edward V. RO
T/Sgt. Wade, V.L. TTG
Sgt. Wall, M.A. RWG
S/Sgt. Jeffers, Leon D. BTG
Sgt. Starkey, Harold G. LWG
S/Sgt. Mattson, Roy F. TG

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Noxon, Donald E. P
2nd Lt. Giovannini, George E. CP
2nd Lt. Eichhorn, Edison N
2nd Lt. Utley, Walter A. B
T/Sgt. Phillips, Toby B. RO
T/Sgt. Ludwigsen, Peterk TTG
S/Sgt. Thompson, John E., Jr. BTG
S/Sgt. Mogush, Paul T. RWG
S/Sgt. Channell, John S. TG
S/Sgt. Thompson, Harry M. LWG

F/0 Sunde, Harland V. P
2nd Lt. Sweeney, James W. CP
2nd Lt. Christensen, Roger G. N
2nd Lt. Tully, O.D. B
Sgt. Carano, Claudio S. RO
S/Sgt. England, William P. TTG
Sgt. McCutheon, Doyle C. BTG
Sgt. Culver, Charles J. RWG
Sgt. Josephson, Carlton A. LWG
Sgt. Healy, John F. TG

2nd Lt. Hess, Warren C. P
2nd Lt. Smith, Charles L. CP
2nd Lt. Randle, David N
2nd Lt. Wernersbach, Robert F. B
T/Sgt. Regan, John F. RO
T/Sgt. Cardella, Albert J. TTG
S/sgt. Macklin, William M. BTG
S/Sgt. Ludwig, Allen G. LWG
S/Sgt. Burke, Phillip F. RWG
S/Sgt. Delp, Edgar G. TG

MISSION 51 --December 20, 1943. Bremen, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing In Action:

1st Lt. Hollencamp, Bernard F. P
2nd Lt. Jones, George T. CP
F/0 Clough, Herbert N. N
2nd Lt. Hazelton, Richard M. B
Sgt. Riemann, George C. E TTG
S/Sgt. Soell, George W. ROG
Sgt. Schulz, Elmo R. BTG
Sgt. Hutchens, Homer K. RWG
Sgt. Walker, Ira J. LWG
Sgt. Good, Harry L. TG

2nd Lt. Canelake, Leo P
F/0 Johnson, Harry B. CP
2nd Lt. Boston, Jesse S. N
2nd Lt. Cisek, Max N. B
S/Sgt. McDonald, Paul E. TTG
S/Sgt. Hernandez, Tony T. ROG
Sgt. Avrett, John V. BTG
Sgt. Brown, Richard W. RWG
Sgt. Phillips, Thomas LWG
Sgt. Belgrasch, Francis N. TG

1st Lt. Crosson, Waldo B. P
2nd Lt. Opitz, James R. CP
2nd Lt. Burke, Edward J. N
2nd Lt. Curran, John J. B
T/Sgt. Allen, John L. E
T/Sgt. McFarlane, Robert T. R
S/Sgt. Bulsok, Steve F. BTG
S/Sgt. Glawson, Jesse J. RWG
S/Sgt. Klima, Norman J. LWG
S/Sgt. Elce, Robert N. TG

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Lane, Dorman F. P
2nd Lt. Johnston, John B. CP
2nd Lt. Anderson, Everett S. N
2nd Lt. Mitchell, Richard M. B
S/Sgt. Peanoske, John TTG
S/Sgt. Melchiorre, Alphonso A. R
Sgt. Cramer, Henry Jr. BTG
S/Sgt. Fecho, Joseph RWG
Sgt. Hrapsky, William W. LWG
Sgt. McDonald, Frank H. TG

MISSION 55 -- December 31, 1943. Cognac-Chateau/Bernard, France.
The following combat crew is Missing In Action:

2nd Lt. Duarte, Earl B.
2nd Lt. McCabe, Glen A.
2nd Lt. Henitz, Cornelius A.
2nd Lt Grimball, Harry M.
Sgt. Jevons, Russell N.
Sgt. Baleah, Joseph J.
Sgt. Norris, Howard B.
Sgt. Martin, James E.
Sgt. Smith, Albert H.
Sgt. McDaniel, Powell H.

MISSION 56 --January 4, 1944. Kiel, Germany.
The following combat crew was Killed In Action.

1st Lt. Clore, Cecil M. P
2nd Lt. Newell,John W. CP
1st Lt. Waldman, Ralph J. N
1st Lt. Dille, Marvin E. B
T/Sgt. Trainer, Walter R. E
T/Sgt. Bozzette, Salvatore ROG
Sgt. Streicher, Richard L. BTG
S/Sgt.Robinson, Harold M. RWG
S/Sgt. Howard, Hamed M. LWG
S/Sgt. Ingmire, Richard E. TG

MISSION 57 --JANUARY 5, 1944. Tours, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Zeman, Jack R. P
2nd Lt. Montgomery, Otis A. CP
2nd Lt. Bisagna, Frank R. N
2nd Lt. Walker, William C. B
S/Sgt. Sinquefield, John W. E
S/Sgt. Givan, Burton A. R
Sgt. Leroux, Harve A. BTG
Sgt. Cater, Francis B. RWG
Sgt. Chevraux, Raymond F. LWG
Sgt. Day, George M. TG

MISSION 58 --January 7, 1944. Ludwigshafen, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Wilson, Arden D. P
2nd Lt. McDonald, Donald J. CP
2nd Lt. Connolly, Joseph F. N
2nd Lt. Ullom, Harry H. B
Sgt. Embach, John F. TTG
S/Sgt. Kucher, Peter ROG
Sgt. Garaghty, Robert J. BTG
Sgt. Sussek, Walter H. RWG
S/Sgt. Hawkins, George E. LWG
Sgt. Greco, Anthony E. TG

MISSION 59 -- January 11, 1944. Oschersieben, Germany.
The following combat crews are missing in action:

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Klein, Ernest M.
2nd Lt. Chelf, Paul C.
S/Sgt. Counce, James (NMI)
1st Lt. Gill, Louis H.
T/Sgt. Soderstrom, Melvin A.
T/Sgt. Pope, Howard A.
S/Sgt. Wright, Stanley A.
S/Sgt. Miskin, John E.
S/Sgt. Schuitema, Edward
S/Sgt. Bunworth, John S.

1st Lt. Crozier, Gordon W.
2nd Lt. VanNess, Sidney B.
2nd Lt. Hannon, George A.
2nd Lt. Monaco, Albert F.
T/Sgt. Balmore, George (NMI)
S/Sgt. Dideum, Clyde E.
S/Sgt. Osborne, Robert J.
S/Sgt. Easley, Cliff W.
S/Sgt. Giddens, Gordon W.
S/Sgt. Purnell, Walter R.

2nd Lt. Nason, Donald E.
2nd Lt. Byser, Joseph J.
2nd Lt. Anagnos, Athan (NMI)
2nd Lt.Fiery, Charles D.
Sgt. Lab, Ralph L.
S/Sgt. Harrah, Luster T.
Sgt. Stonich, Paul W.
Sgt. Beus, Raymond C.
Sgt. Lantz, John R.
Sgt. Whitney, George A.

lst Lt. Chason, Billy F.
2nd Lt. Mickelson, Henry B.
2nd Lt. Walker, Lawrence D.
2nd Lt. Gentile, Americus J.
Sgt. Wydra, Carl S.
S/Sgt. Vollbrecht, Robert F.
Sgt. Martin, Raymond W.
S/Sgt. Cobb, Thomas R.
Sgt. Greenwood, Howard J.
Sgt. Kudla, Steve A.

2nd Lt. McEvoy, Matthew J.
2nd Lt. Nikitin, Nicholas N.
2nd Lt. Lipsky, Henry 1.
F/0 Angram, William H.
S/Sgt. Loehrer, Arthur T.
S/Sgt. Johnson, Fred W.
Sgt. Wittwer, Weldon E.
Sgt. Sexton, Mack Jr.
Sgt. Kracium, Eugene J.
Sgt. Trueblood, Jack G.

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Saur, Robert V.
2nd Lt. Capobianco, Frank
2nd Lt. Miller, Phil R.
2nd Lt. Warren, Douglas N.
Sgt. Davis, Robert E.
Sgt. Brogden, John P.
T/Sgt. Prestwood, Harold F.
Sgt. Keene, Bernard M.
Sgt. Patterson, L.T.
Sgt. Jones, James P.

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Larson, Austin G.
2nd Lt. Wilson, Francis E.
2nd Lt. Neff, Horace R.
2nd Lt. Regan, George T.
S/Sgt. Nix, Edwin A.
Sgt. Trainer, Michael J.
Sgt. Copeland, Milton B.
Sgt. Defenbaugh, Ross N.
S/Sgt. Crawbuck, John (NMI)
Sgt. Williams, Alex (NMI)

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Perot, Wilfred R.
2nd Lt. Jones, Dudley B.
2nd Lt. Weaver, Robert N.
2nd Lt. Faulconer, Adelbert Jr.
S/Sgt. Jerionowski, John S.
Sgt. Daniels, O.K.
Sgt. Ball, Philip M.
Sgt. Turk, Walter H.
S/Sgt. Bosley, Edwin B.
Sgt. Graham, Thomas H.

MISSION 61 -- January 29, 1944. Frankfurt, Germany
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Yake, William J.
2nd Lt. Wendall, Roy E.
2nd Lt. Mohnacky, Robert W. P
1st Lt. Mickow, Laurence W. P
2nd Lt. Light, James A.
2nd Lt. Hennessey, William H.
2nd Lt. Flood, Joe (NMI)
2nd Lt. Magnire, Hugh F.
S/Sgt. Schenck, Peter (NMI)
Sgt. Berg, Robert J.
S/Sgt. Gentach, Dale (NMI)
S/Sgt. Hagen, Elmer F.
Sgt. Grugan, Joseph W.
Sgt. Dwyer, Jack E.
S/Sgt. Pierson, Glendon B.
Sgt. Meyer, Russell A.
S/Sgt. Ayers, George (NMI)
S/Sgt. Chandler, Julian H.
Sgt. Nersinger, Raymond G
Sgt. Fabianski, Joseph E.

MISSION 62 --January 30, 1944. Brunswick, Germany
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Steele, Henry D. P
2nd Lt. Settle, James R. CP
2nd Lt. Anderson, Robert F. N
2nd Lt. Flores, Leopold L. B
S/Sgt. Beach, Perry E. E
Sgt. Eason, Wilbert E. R
Sgt. Lee, Harry F. BTG
Sgt. Hlynsky, Peter (NMI) RWG
Sgt. Holtz, Harold A. LWG
Sgt. Welch, Paul 0. TG

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Baer, Carl 0. P
2nd Lt. Remple, Robert C. CP
1st Lt. Van Hise, Malcolm J. N
2nd Lt. Palas, Henry G. B
T/Sgt. Vogelbaugh, Robert R. E
T/Sgt. Moore, Joseph F. ROG
S/Sgt. Phillipuk, Phillip BTG
S/Sgt. Meyers, Edward J. TG
Sgt. Tully, John T. LWG
S/Sgt. Rigat, James RWG

2nd Lt. Deering, Robert P. P
2nd Lt. Williams, Robert P. CP
2nd Lt. Barer, David (NMI) N
2nd Lt. Crabtree, Raul 0. B
S/Sgt. Horne, Wardell H. E
S/Sgt. Richards, Andrew H. R
Sgt. Husvar, Floyd L. BTG
Sgt. Scott, Wallace K. RWG
Sgt. Jackson, Lloyd H. LWG
Sgt. Sanford, Laren L. TG

MISSION 66 -- February 6, 1944. Nancy/Essey, France.
The following combat men are Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Coffman, Alfred T. CP
2nd Lt. Blalock, Conrad M. N
2nd Lt. Christensen, Harvey L. B
(Added later: All three men returned to Ridgewell Aerodrome.)

MISSION 67 -- February 11, 1944. Ludwigshaven, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Laux, Robert V. P
2nd Lt. Harrer, Donald G. CP
2nd Lt. Wright, Phlemon T. N
2nd Lt. Boyle, Judson F. B
S/Sgt. Holton, John L. ETG
Sgt. Helfgott, A. ROG
Sgt. Hamilton, Richard C. BTG
Sgt. Cutino, Rudolph RWG
Sgt. Glennan, Thomas J. LWG
Sgt. Barr, Henry R. TG
(Added Later: All of the men returned to Ridgewell Aerodrome, except
three: Harrer, Holton, and Barr who are Prisoners of War.)

MISSION 68 -- February 20, 1944. Leipzig, and Oschersleben, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Cogswell, Kirch J. P
2nd Lt. Borrego, William (NMI) CP
2nd Lt. Meehan, William R. N
2nd Lt. Espinosa, Lorenzo (NMI) B
S/Sgt. Leccese, Raymond J. TTG
S/Sgt. Urban, Frank 0. ROG
Sgt. Durnin, Joseph L. BTG
Sgt. Duncan, Charles E. RWG
Sgt. Kangas, John V. LWG
Sgt. Miller, Wilfred L. TG
T/Sgt. Senk, Edward C. ASN 36345462 Killed in Action, 533rd Squadron.
(Added later: All of Cogswell's crew are reported as Prisoners of War,
except two. No report on Durnin and Duncan.)

MISSION 69 -- February 21, 1944. Achmer, Germany.
The following combat personnel are Missing in Action:
2nd Lt. Allen E. Bergreen
1st Lt. William F. Piekerski

MISSION 70 -- February 22, 1944. Bunde, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Flaherty, Francis J. P
2nd Lt. Hoffer, John 1. CP
F/0 Austin, Russel D. N
2nd Lt. Farrell, William R. B
T/Sgt. Bright, Notra J. TTG
T/Sgt. Roe, John P. ROG
S/Sgt. Larson, Burling (NMI) BTG
S/Sgt. Krzyak, Henry R. RWG
S/Sgt. Bukowski, Gasimer L. LWG
S/Sgt. Butler, Arthur N. TG

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Fridgen, Francis N. P
2nd Lt. Waller, David E. CP
2nd Lt. Ehmann, Paul J. N
2nd Lt. Palmer, Philip B
T/Sgt. Brennan Robert (NMI) TTG
T/Sgt. Reilly, William J. ROG
S/Sgt. Bartle, Garrett M. BTG
S/Sgt. Abernathy, Walter H. RWG
S/Sgt. Gaby, Oliver G. LWG
S/Sgt. Slayton, Lowell E. TG

1st Lt. Roling, Hal E. P
2nd Lt. Bull, Raymond A. CP
2nd Lt. Jackson, Johns R. Jr. N
2nd Lt. Soled, Milton (NMI) B
S/Sgt. Jemiolo, John (NMI) TTG
S/Sgt. Thompson, Asbury M. Jr. ROG
Sgt. Ruark, William L BTG
Sgt. Martin, Othel L. RWG
Sgt. Day, George W. LWG
Sgt. Eggert, Robert D. TG

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Smith, Lee W. P
2nd Lt. Evans, Rowland H. CP
2nd Lt. Meier, Leonard P. N
2nd Lt. Kaufman, Harold W. B
T/Sgt. Kemper, Harold C. TTG
T/Sgt. Zappala, John W. ROG
S/Sgt. Larson, Lester P. BTG
Sgt. Solway, Reginald C. RWG
S/Sgt. Manning, Andrew F. LWG
S/Sgt. Eden, Lawrence V. TG

2nd Lt. Hustedt, Henry (NMI) P
2nd Lt. Mauzy, Keith S. CP
2nd Lt. Hert, Oral H. N
2nd Lt. Inglis, Stanley B. B
Sgt. Tell, Arthur R. TTG
S/Sgt Rodriguez, Abelardo L. ROG
Sgt. Russo, Rocco F. BTG
Sgt. Kuracina, Vito R. RWG
Sgt. Hanna, Leslie J. LWG
Sgt. Pingel, Robert C. TG

2nd Lt. Downey, Charles H. P
2nd Lt. Herdlicka, Donald E. CP
2nd Lt. Hicks, John D. N
2nd Lt. Evans, James C. B
S/Sgt. Chauvin, Miler P. TTG
S/Sgt. Matheson, Earl E. ROG
Sgt. Phillips, Norman E. RWG
S/Sgt. Carini, Adolph V. LWG
S/Sgt. Sorbino, Joseph G. TG
S/Sgt. Schiek, Earl B. BTG

MISSION 72 --FEBRUARY 25, 1944. Augsburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action.

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Henderson, Donald G. P
2nd Lt. Fournier, Jack H. CP
2nd Lt. Wonning, Earl H. N (KIA)
2nd Lt. DeRose, Nicholas, J. B
T/Sgt. Ramos, Raoul B. TTG
T/Sgt. Burgess, Boyd E. ROG (KIA)
S/Sgt. Korkuc, Anthony J. BTG (KIA)
S/Sgt. Bartolo, Anthony J. RWG (KIA)
S/Sgt. Hunnicutt, Thomas R. LWG (KIA)
S/Sgt. Schilling, Dale E. TG (KIA)

MISSION 73 -- March 2, 1944. Frankfurt, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action.

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Schultz, Eugene (NMI) P
2nd Lt. Plemmons, Howard M. CP
2nd Lt. Neeves, Arthur E. Jr. N
2nd Lt. Hearn, William D. B
T/Sgt. Mehaffey, Hubert G. ROG
T/Sgt. Kulivinski, John W. TTG
S/Sgt. Trapell, Robert M. BTG
S/Sgt. Farr, John T. RWG
S/Sgt. Abramo, Nicholas J. LWG
S/Sgt. Smith, Charles F. TG

MISSION 74-- MARCH 3,1944. Oldenburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Rogers, Robert H. P
2nd Lt. Mills, Edgar J. CP
2nd Lt. McGrath, Francis R. N
2nd Lt. Taylor, Harold E. B
S/Sgt. Meyer, Russel E. ROG
S/Sgt. Moses, John (NMI) TTG
S/Sgt. Casey, Elbert R. BTG
Sgt. Jernigan, Cecil L. RWG
S/Sgt. Poch, Philip L. LWG
Sgt. Taylor, Warren G. TG

MISSION 75 --March 6, 1944. Dusseldorf, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
Lt. Keyes, David P .
Lt. Scal, Richard CP
Lt. Lynch, Ralph N
Lt. Hughes, John B
Sgt. Van Voorhis, Charles ETTG
Sgt. Fair, John ROG
Sgt. Hullett, Dail RWG
Sgt. Levandoski, Henry LWG
Sgt. Davis, Gene TG
Sgt. Simone, Theodore BTG

MISSION 76 --March 6, 1944. Berlin, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Baker, Robert J.
2nd Lt. Coyle, Richard W.
2nd Lt. Hasseltine, Robert E.
2nd Lt. Wierman, John B.
S/Sgt. Legg, Raymond F.
Sgt. Mendoza, Daniel (NMI)
Sgt. Mueller, John E.
Sgt. Schultz, Louis C.
S/Sgt. Seabaugh, Albert C.
S/Sgt. Smith, Peter W.

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Fastrup, Miltin A. P
2nd Lt. Mann, Edward C.
2nd Lt. King, Martin P.
S/Sgt. Atkinson, Howard C.
Sgt. Estle, Elmer E.
T/Sgt. Glauer, Raymond R.
S/Sgt. Provonsha, William W.
S/Sgt. Shorten, Christopher J.
Sgt. Dynan, George J.
Sgt. Snyder, John S.

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Haushalter, Edward E.
2nd Lt. Hensley, Herman M.
2nd Lt. Schuit, Richard R.
2nd Lt. Herrick, John W.
S/Sgt. Nisbet, Richard H.
S/Sgt. Lee, Harry E.
Sgt. Greevy, Edward J.
Sgt. Langston, Everett V.
Sgt. Alfaro, Ralph A.
Sgt. Jones, Eldon P.

MISSION 77 -- March 8, 1944. Berlin/Erkner, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Pirtle, Thomas A.
2nd Lt. Schlintz, Paul H.
2nd Lt. Stern, Milton W.
2nd Lt. Cooper, Harry F.
Sgt. Estep, James C. Jr.
S/Sgt. Warren, James W.
Sgt. Bull, William L.
S/Sgt. Burrows, Robert W.
S/Sgt. Cassody, George W.
Sgt. Kinney, William C.

MISSION 81 --March 20, 1944. Mannheim, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
1st Lt. McIntosh, George B. Jr.
2nd Lt. Fowler, Robert J.
1st Lt. Rabay, Nicholas R.
2nd Lt. Dittus, Carl W.
T/Sgt. Rose, Russell M.
T/Sgt. Dever, Harry F.
S/Sgt. Carson, Garland C.
S/Sgt. Copp, Eugene F.
S/Sgt. Matcham, Robert S.
S/Sgt. Craig, Clyde V.

MISSION 82 --March 22, 194. Berlin, Germany.
All planes returned safely.
The following officer was Killed in Line of Duty.
1st Lt. Clifford W. Cullum was killed early in the morning, just at
station time, when the men were getting into the plane ready for
take-off. No one saw him killed; others were inside the plane. The
navigator was in a booth getting coffee. As far as we know the engines
were not running. He must have touched a prop as he passed by, kicking it
off because of the heated engine which had just been pre-flighted.

MISSION 84 --March 24, 1944. Frankfurt, Germany.
The following combat crews were Killed in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Haynes, Kenneth T. Jr.
2nd Lt. Bemis, Ralph Jr.
2nd Lt. Cusson, Edmond P.
2nd Lt. Stahlecker, Harry J.
S/Sgt. Loparco, Harry C.
S/Sgt. Sauld, Edward N.
Sgt. Herrera, Zeke P.
Sgt. Ham, Kenneth M.
Sgt. Mahaffey, Donald B.
Sgt. Plows, Arthur M.

The following crew was involved in a mid-air collision over Germany, suffering damage to
the airplane. They were able to crash land in Occupied France and eventually returned to
the base. All survived.

2nd Lt. Rickerson, John A.
2nd Lt. Wilson, Donald M.
F/0 Oneschak, Walter (NMI)
2nd Lt. Hammer, Edward J.
S/Sgt. LaMore, Thomas L.
Sgt. Phelps, John R.
Sgt. Williams, Durward 1.
Sgt. Sanzone, Paul B.
Sgt. Wilbur, Gerard B.
Sgt. Lujan, Alfredo (NMI)

1st Lt. Thomson, Thomas P.
2nd Lt . Bowen, George A.
2nd Lt . Brzoska, Walter (NMI)
2nd Lt. Neville, Edward J.
T/Sgt. Poquette, Howard R.
T/Sgt. Holub, Libor J.
S/Sgt. Hickey, Paul A.
S/Sgt. Cavalieri, Rinaldo
S/Sgt. Draa, Clyde C.
S/Sgt. Bollinger, Hubert S.

MISSION 87 -- March 28, 1944. Rheims/Champaigne, France.
The following men were Killed in Action:

534th Squadron
S/Sgt. Kurtz, Frank J.
S/Sgt. Norcom, James F.
S/Sgt. Toler, Richard (NMI)
These three men were killed when flak burst inside the plane. Two waist
gunners and the tail gunner were killed.

March 31, 1944, Ridgewell, England.
The following men were killed in an accident.

534th Squadron
Capt. Stull, Paul H. Jr.
1st Lt. Schomburg, Wayne G. P
PFC McClain, Albert (NMI)
T/Sgt. Wilson, Melvin F.
T/Sgt. Carr, Donald B.
T/Sgt. Carter, Charles L.

Note: No mission today but First lieutenant Wayne G. Schomburg, one of our
best pilots, decided to take a B-17 into the air for a short flight. He took
with him a skeleton crew of five men -- no co-pilot, no navigator, no
bombardier and no gunners. Captain Paul H. Stull Jr., a ground officer, was
a passenger and occupied the co-pilot's seat. They took off from Ridgewell
Aerodrome and flew for a short time. As they approached the airfield and
were descending to the runway, something happened. The plane crashed just
off the end of the runway. The plane caught fire and was completely consumed.
All six men on the plane were killed instantly.

MISSION 91 -- April 10, 1944. Cottbus and Sorau, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Hesse, Robert W.
2nd Lt. Gatewood, Robert W.
2nd Lt. Noga, Theodore F.
2nd Lt. Bach, Leo S.
S/Sgt. Sexton, Frank C.
Sgt. Hollenbeck, Brau A.
S/Sgt. Blanch, Bernard J.
Sgt. Puryear, Roy A.
Sgt. Nelson, Alvin L.

Note: It will be noted here that the crew had only nine men in the ship.
This was to be a new policy. There was only one waist gunner.

MISSION 92 -- April 13, 1944. Schweinfurt, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Mullane, James F.
1st Lt. Sherwood, Thomas P.
2nd Lt. O'Phelan, Patrick D.
T/Sgt. Kettlety, Robert E.
T/Sgt. Stahlke, Edward A.
S/Sgt. Tarczynski, Thaddeus J.
S/Sgt. Sparrow, Lewis F.
S/Sgt. Troxler, Frank G.

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Kirby, John J.

MISSION 93 -- April 18, 1944. Oranienburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Soeder, Harlan D. P
2nd Lt. Mulhall, Phillip E.
F/O Becker, Jerome D.
2nd Lt. Grote, George C.
S/Sgt. Sedoryk, Harry C.
S/Sgt. Marushack, Frank J.
S/Sgt. Bailes, Milton G.
S/Sgt. Hawkinson, Alan L.
S/Sgt. Boland, John J.

MISSION 94 -- April 19, 1944: Eschwege, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
S/Sgt. Goodman, Gerald A.
1st Lt. Rayburn, Robert W. P
2nd Lt. Craft, Maynard V.
2nd Lt. Morse, Loren C.
2nd Lt. Simons, Ralph C.
S/Sgt. Peterson, Donald C.
S/Sgt. Purser, William R.
S/Sgt. Bristow, John L.
S/Sgt. Main, DeForest E.
S/Sgt. Gerber, Gerald (NMI)

2nd Lt. Bond, Leslie A P
2nd Lt. Mason, Wilbur M. CP
2nd Lt. Brumback, Charles E. N
2nd Lt. Hilton, Gerald O. B
S/Sgt Clyman, Neal V. TT
S/Sgt Jones, William R. RO
S/Sgt. Caserta, Anthony J. BT
Sgt. Derrington, A.C. WG
Sgt. Batchelder, Robert K. TG

MISSION 98 -- April 25, 1944. Metz/Frescaty, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Claytor, Andrew J. P
2nd Lt. Rice, Roy J. Jr.
2nd Lt. Chisholm, Robert H.
Sgt. Vitkus, Raymond D.
Sgt. Connable, Joseph M.
Sgt. Souder, David W.
S/Sgt. Sango, Nicholas A.
S/Sgt. Middleton, Charles D.
S/Sgt. Williams, Walter R.

MISSION 101 -- April 28, 1944. Avord, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
1st Lt. Henslin, Harold F.
Major Jones, Osce V. P (POW)
2nd Lt. Guertin, Arthur L.
1st Lt. Arning, Eugene (NMI)
T/Sgt. Padgett, J. W. (POW)
T/Sgt. Karr, Jo R.
S/Sgt. Williams, Clarence T.
S/Sgt. McLaughlin, George B.
Sgt. Blackmon, William B. Jr. (POW)
S/Sgt. Sell, Edward H.

MISSION 112 -- May 19, 1944. Berlin, Germany.
The following combat crews are reported Missing in Action.

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Blog, Harold C.
2nd Lt. Dill, Frederick L
F/O Dennis, George W.
F/O Miller, Henry (NMI)
T/Sgt. Heidebrink, John W.
T/Sgt. Thompson, Jack L.
S/Sgt. Poloski, Stanley (NMI)
S/Sgt. Humphrey, Samuel D.
S/Sgt. Anderson, Cornelius C.

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Sharp, Earl (NMI)
2nd Lt. Britenbaker, Francis W.
2nd Lt. Garner, Dorance (NMI)
2nd Lt. Hardwick, Wayn T.
S/Sgt. Bratton, Follis D.
S/Sgt. Pennybacker, Merril L.
S/Sgt. Rutigliano, Gerald J.
T/Sgt. Schoepf, Jarrett (NMI)
T/Sgt. Suchy, William K.

MISSION 116 -- May 24, 1944. Berlin, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Dasso, William L. P
2nd Lt. Watson, William L.
2nd Lt. Barkett, Phillip J.
2nd Lt. Isom, Norman B.
Cpl. Williams, Paul M.
S/Sgt. Wright, Oscar (NMI)
S/Sgt. Madero, Anthony P.
Sgt. Herron, Chester E.
Sgt. Rose, Marshall E.

2nd Lt. Higgins, Walter K. P
2nd Lt. Burns, Herbert, W. Jr.
2nd Lt. Beck, James A.
1st Lt. Hughes, Robert W.
T/Sgt. Delgado, Eddie (NMI)
T/Sgt. Baird, John S.
Sgt. Thomson, Robert H. Jr.
S/Sgt. Collister, Franklin R.
Sgt. Thomas, Donald H.
Cpl. Smith, Robert F.

Combat crew member in another plane, Sgt. George (NMI) Samuelin,
39169144 Killed in Action.

534th Sqadron
1st Lt. Wardencki, John A. P
2nd Lt. Dayton, Charles R.
2nd Lt. Blackfield, Willard I.
2nd Lt. Morrison, William W.
S/Sgt. Elliott, George S.
S/Sgt. Anderson, Charles (NMI)
T/Sgt. Backenlin, Warren H.
S/Sgt. Miller, Robert E.
S/Sgt. Telzerow, Harold R.

1st Lt. Gardon, Carl A. P
2nd Lt. Sornberger, Archie W.
2nd Lt. Soltwedel, Edward B.
2nd Lt. Moseley, William C.
S/Sgt. Schaub, Donald P.
T/Sgt. Cornell, Kenneth H.
S/Sgt. Shaw, Allen E.
S/Sgt. Rush, Jacob R.
T/Sgt. O'Neal, John S.
S/Sgt. Ross, Jack E.

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Wainwright, Clarence D. Jr. P
2nd Lt. Counts, James R. Jr.
2nd Lt. Dorn, Harry T.
2nd Lt. Latton, Howard W.
S/Sgt. Haga, Warren K.
S/Sgt. Kennedy, Lowell D.
Sgt. Kruger, Charles (NMI)
Sgt. Stephens, T.J.
Sgt. Nalley, Floyd M. Jr.

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Ezzell, Clarence W. P
2nd Lt. Nymeyer, John L.
F/O Adams, Edward R.
2nd Lt. Wilson, William O.
T/Sgt. Baker, Louie K.
T/Sgt. Peck, Leslie H.
S/Sgt. Beninga, Harm R.
S/Sgt. Harvey, Lloyd L.
S/Sgt. Schaaf, Carl (NMI)

MISSION 118 -- May 27, 1944. Ludwigshafen, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Stuart, Andrew H.
2nd Lt. Call, Glen S.
2nd Lt. Blyth, Don H.
2nd Lt. Eisen, Charles K.
Sgt. Kaplan, Herman H.
S/Sgt. Mickey, Herald B.
Sgt. Selig, Peter (NMI)
S/Sgt. Jones, Aurelius W.
S/Sgt. Harrison, Frederick W.

MISSION 121 -- May 30, 1944. Dessau, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Zapinski, Leonard E. P
2nd Lt. Widosh, Othmer G.
2nd Lt. Fuller, David P.
2nd Lt. VanBurskirk, Robert (NMI)
S/Sgt. Patre, George J.
T/Sgt. Webb, William E.
S/Sgt. Wilson, James E.
S/Sgt. Harper, Hamilton B.
S/Sgt. Harness, Donald A.

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Klutho, Robert J.
S/Sgt. Dixon, James E.

533rd Squadron
There are two crews here mixed together (perhaps someone can help separate
them?). They have been separated as of 2-13-06 thanks to Yvonne Barnett.

2nd Lt. Monahan, John J. P
2nd Lt. Cea, Kenneth C.
2nd Lt. Haas, Leland M.
T/Sgt. Hoyle, William M.
S/Sgt. Catter, Loebert, G.
S/Sgt. Valinksi, John (NMI)
Sgt. Granlund, Jerome D.
Sgt. Emanuelson, Morris. N.
Sgt. Bryan, John B. Jr.

1st Lt. Burton, Merril O. P
2nd Lt. Bredeson, David L.
2nd Lt. Berry, Alvin C.
S/Sgt. Hammond, Robert J.
T/Sgt. Eylens, John T. Jr.
S/Sgt. Marbry, James E.
S/Sgt. Powell, Ralph J.
S/Sgt. Pillot, Victor C.
Sgt. Hittel, Robert (NMI)

MISSION 136 -- June 15, 1944. Bordeaux/Merignai, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action.

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Kelly, Charles H.
2nd Lt. Disbrow, Robert C.
F/O Champ, Frank A.
Sgt. Wilczeck, Simon, J.
S/Sgt. Brooks, Harold C.
S/Sgt. Brashear, Charles F.
Sgt. Workman, Ralph, J.
Sgt. Campbell, Alfred M.
Sgt. Graham, Donald S.
All these fliers returned to the Ridgewell Aerodrome.

MISSION 138 -- June 19, 1944. Bordeaux, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Doyle, John B. P
2nd Lt. Prokopovitz, Julian K.
F/O Richards, Richard H.
2nd Lt. Leavitt, Bernard S.
S/Sgt. Harker, Charles E.
S/Sgt. Wise, Gordon W.
Sgt. Thompson, Logan A.
Sgt. Helman, Robert J.
Sgt. Matthews, Robert T.

MISSION 139 -- June 20, 1944. Hamburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Dunkel, Mark R. P
2nd Lt. Evans, Clifford (NMI)
2nd Lt. Kelly, Frank L.
2nd Lt. Roehr, Kenneth (NMI)
Sgt. Beaman, Roger L.
S/Sgt. Kochel, Aaron, R.
S/Sgt. Pillotti, John L.
Sgt. Schmidt, Theodore E.
S/Sgt. Stoll, William M.

MISSION 140 -- June 21, 1944. Berlin, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Pendergist, Roy H. P
F/O Lawless, Joseph W.
2nd Lt. Harvey, Robert H.
2nd Lt. Heniff, Eloy, W.
T/Sgt. Salzsieder, Herbert S.
S/Sgt. Muir, Malcolm M.
S/Sgt. Lehman, Harold M.
S/Sgt. King, Byron E.
S/Sgt. Wilson, Joseph S.

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Dussault, Roger L. P
2nd Lt. Segman, Bernard (NMI)
2nd Lt. Magnabosco, Valerio, P.
S/Sgt. Holcomb, Ralph H.
S/Sgt. Lawing, Wendell, B.
S/Sgt. Meier, Elmer C.
Sgt. Corum, Howard L.
Sgt. Ehler, Alonzo L. Jr.
Sgt. Mahar, John S. Jr.

533rd Squadron
1st Lt. Bailey, Arthur J. P
2nd Lt. Irwin, Robert H.
2nd Lt. Peterson, Lloyd A.
1st Lt. Brown, Erwin M.
T/Sgt. Campbell, Charles J. Jr.
S/Sgt. Forke, Walden W.
S/Sgt. Highsmith, Coral C.
S/Sgt. Molloy, John J.
S/Sgt. Paoli, Alfrd (NMI)

MISSION 141 -- June 22, 1944. Calais, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action.

534th Squadron
1st Lt. Peak, Samuel E.
1st Lt. Petroski, Robert F. P
2nd Lt. Osterberg, Allen (NMI)
2nd Lt. Lundberg, John K.
S/Sgt. Simmons, Murl F.
S/Sgt. Oberlin, Richard D.
S/Sgt. Scharff, Robert F.
S/Sgt. Welke, Frank A.
S/Sgt. Rockey, Max L.

MISSION 143 -- June 24, 1944. Tours/LaRiche, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Ramsco, Victor R. P
2nd Lt. Kellum, Richard L.
F/O Chandler, James H.
1st Lt. Stewart, Ray L.
S/Sgt. Cosandier, Paul G.
Sgt. Giddens, Elbert F.
Sgt. Scoggins, Grover L.
S/Sgt. Owens, harry E .
S/Sgt. Waldow, Ernest L.

(Lt. Ray L. Stewart was the only man to survive. He was blown free from
the plane when it exploded. He was wearing a back type parachute, which
was blown open by the explosion.).

MISSION 147 -- July 6, 1944. Rely, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Bobrof, Bob B. P
2nd Lt. Devono, George J.
2nd Lt. Cole, Charles D.
2nd Lt. Goodman, Bernard (NMI)
T/Sgt. Word, Clinton S.
T/Sgt. Dell, George W.
Sgt. Polski, Edward F.
S/Sgt. Hitchcock, Kenneth F.
S/Sgt. Snyder, Thomas E.

MISSION 153 -- July 13, 1944. Munich, Germany.
All planes returned safely.
The following flying personnel were Killed in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Sullivan, Gerald J.
2nd Lt. Welmsley, James A.
S/Sgt. Cusick, William M.
S/Sgt. Spatz, Kenneth L.
S/Sgt. Jackson, Lloyd S.
T/Sgt. Murray, Donald B.
T/Sgt. Benward, Robert A.

(This plane crashed after take off when it attempted to return to the field,
it circled the base several times, but ended up crashing into a wheatfield
just off the base. They had engine problems and could not regain altitude,
their was belly landing in the field was almost successful, but for an
unseen railroad cut. The bombs onboard the aircraft exploded, and
tragically only Lt Houston, pilot, and Lt. Scruggs, co-pilot survived.)

MISSION 155 -- July 18, 1944. Peenemunde, Germany.
The following plane is Missing in Action.

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Higginbotham, Herbert (NMI)
2st Lt. Karch, Robert C.
1st Lt. O'Black, Frank R. Jr. P
2nd Lt. Treanor, Francis J.
T/Sgt. Beck, Eugene N.
S/Sgt. Brown, Oliver E.
S/Sgt. Fridberg, Bernard G.
S/Sgt. Rich, Wesley K.
Sgt. Rich, William (NMI)

MISSION 163 --July 31, 1944. Munich, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Gordon, Sydney H.
2nd Lt. Guidotti, Alfred H.
2nd Lt. Pearson, Jack B. P
2nd Lt. Proctor, Joe L.
Sgt. Boyington, William E.
Sgt. Fontenot, Dewell J.
Sgt. Hoover, Harold M.
Sgt. Janis, Charles G.
Sgt. Mizer, Frank S.

MISSION 165 -- August 3, 1944. Mulhouse, France.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Wilcock, John C. P
2nd Lt. Hutchinson, Stanley E.
2nd Lt. Marsh, Charles R.
2nd Lt. Lucas, Norbert 1.
Sgt. Ramsay, John A.
Sgt. Prinz, Alfred E.
Sgt. Fall, Richard J.
Sgt. Evans, Charles R.
Sgt. Friel, Robert F.

MISSION 167--August 5, 1944
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Bernstein, William (NMI)
2nd Lt. Freeman, Charles S.
1st Lt. Lane, David W.
1st Lt. Melomo, Salvatore J.
1st Lt. Palmer, Edwin W.
S/Sgt. Beneke, Louis F.
T/Sgt. Gilbertson, Willard G.
S/Sgt. Hill, Julian D.
S/Sgt. Moorhead, James W.
S/Sgt. Vaughn, Leland N.

MISSION 168 --August 6, 1944. Brandenburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
1st Lt. Webb, Allen W.
2nd Lt. Hayes, John W.
2nd Lt. Crossnickle, Earl S.
2nd Lt. Gomez, George (NMI)
S/Sgt. Murkin, Ralph K.
T/Sgt. Grisham, Lendon L.
S/Sgt. Burt, William C.
S/Sgt. Gonzales, Adolph M.
S/Sgt. Patrick, Jack S.

MISSION 173 --August 13, 1944. Rouen, France
The following officer was Killed in Action on mission to
Rouen, France, August 13, 1944. 2nd Lt. Haines, William G. Jr.

MISSION 185 -- September 10, 1944. Gaggenau, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Spaniol, Edward J. B
2nd Lt. Germano, Ernest (NMI) P
2nd Lt. Grey, James M. CP
2nd Lt. Tierney, Richard A. N
S/Sgt. Dietrich, John C.
Sgt. Donaldson, Alexander (NMI)
Sgt. Goody, Cloyde I.
S/Sgt. Shelly, William D. Jr.
Sgt. Siders, Harry (NMI)
(Seven men are reported as Prisioners of War, two are still marked as

MISSION 192 --September 25, 1944. Frankfurt, Germany.
The following combat crew is reported Missing in Action.

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Adams, Donald K.
1st Lt. Gills, Oscar W.
2nd Lt. Prenatt, Charles R.
2nd Lt.Rudisill, William P.
Sgt. Cook, Shelby W.
Sgt. Krainz, Leo V.
Sgt. Mourning, Harold A.
S/Sgt. Parks, Paul E.
S/Sgt. Stowe, Minor H
(Added later: All nine men are reported Prisoners of War.)

MISSION 199 -- October 7, 1944. Schneeburg and Zwickau, Germany.
All planes returned safely.
Though all planes returned safely, one man is reported as Missing in Action.
He must have bailed out, for he did not return in the plane. (Added later:
S/Sgt. Marion 0. Heilman is reported as Prisoner of War.)

MISSION 211 --November 6, 1944. Hamburg, Germany-
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Brummett, Dudley P
2nd Lt. Fox, Boyd C. Jr
2nd Lt. Fox, Alfred (NMI)
2nd Lt. Barker, William G
Sgt. Carmichael, Leonard A.
Sgt. Dugger, Charles D.
Sgt. Watson, John F.
Sgt. Lyons, Thomas J.
Sgt. Horsch, Frank N. Jr.

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Levitoff, Julius (NMI) P
2nd Lt. Champion, John F. Jr.
2nd Lt. Byrnes, Joseph M.
S/Sgt. Ward, Joseph C.
S/Sgt. Menendez, Gil H.
S/Sgt. Kreutz, Alfred J.
S/Sgt. Cates, Carl E.
S/Sgt. Skrinski, Anthony
S/Sgt. Hillard, Bruce M.

MISSION 213 -- November 10, 1944. Cologne, Germany.
All planes returned safely.
The following officer was Killed in Action, November 10,
1944: 1st Lt. LeRoy Drummond, 535th Squadron.
The day seemed successful with the return of all our ships until, on
touch-down, we saw the ambulance head toward a plane of the 535th Squadron.
There was no elation when the members of the crew stepped from the plane.
They knew that Lieutenant LeRoy Drummond had been killed.

MISSION 217 --November 26, 1944. Altenbaken, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

532nd Squadron
2nd Lt. Smith, Kyle S.
F/0 LaLuzerne, Melvin A.
2nd Lt. McGurk, Donald F.
Sgt. DeLange, Francis R.
S/Sgt. Wear, Byron F.
Sgt. Contreras, Gustavo E.
Sgt. Colson, Lester F.
Sgt. Arnold, Thomas (NMI)
Sgt. Porter, Robert K.

December 9, 1944
T/Sgt. Rafael C. Larsen died of wounds received in action
December 9, 1944, on Stuttgart raid. Died today, December 11, 1944.

MISSION 222 -- December 11, 1944. Mannheim, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

1st Lt. Belskis, Leo (NMI)
2nd Lt. Vaughn, Glenn C.
1st Lt. Collett, James V.
2nd Lt. Perrin, Ross W.
T/Sgt. McCoy, Elvis A.
T/Sgt. Newman, Walter R.
S/Sgt. Laurett, Lynn J. Jr.
S/Sgt. Suggs, Durward V.
S/S Rogers, Robert P.

MISSION 241 -- January 21, 1945. Aschaffenburg, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Coates, Robert E.
2nd Lt. Pettit, William G.
F/0 Tryka, Charles A.
S/Sgt. Andrews, John H.
T/Sgt. Bruner, Miles C.
T/Sgt. Halstead, Keith D.
Sgt. Keenan, Patrick M.
S/Sgt. Lovenson, Herbert
Sgt. Walsh, Joseph P.

The following crews were killed in a mid-air collision over the field on
return from a mission January 21, 1945:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Smith, James E. P
F/0 Dernberger, William A.
2nd Lt. Soper, Charles F.
S/Sgt. McCudden, Bernard L.
S/Sgt. Durban, Peter J.
S/Sgt. Gray, Virgil L.
Sgt. Wilson, Donald T.
Sgt. Campbell, Ralph E.
Sgt. Streich, Walter A.

534th Squadron
Flt/0 Tauro, Nicholas F.
Flt/0 Crofts, Val J. P
Flt/0 Sobole, Seymour L.
S/Sgt. Jones, Edward L.
S/Sgt. Shapiro, Morris A.
S/Sgt. Panaccione, Gildo
Sgt. Taylor, Allen (NMI)
Sgt. York, John P.
Sgt. Swarts, Milton S.

MISSION 245 -- February 3, 1945. Berlin, Germany.
The following combat crews are Missing in Action:

532nd Bomb Squadron
2nd Lt.Anderson, John B.
2nd Lt.Gayori, Paul G.
2nd Lt.Wall, Leonard A.
Flt/0 Forbes, Carl H. Jr.
Sgt. Nessly, George R.
Sgt. Kemppainen, Carl E.
Sgt. Wallace, Curtis P
S/Sgt. Medzie, Michael J.
Sgt. McGreevy, Robert H.
(Added later: A/C was last seen at approximately
5244N-1328E, #2 engine was on fire and burning badly for
about 5 minutes. Plane swerved right off target then left and was
under control until all the men had bailed out. 9 chutes were reported.)

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Pucylouski, Paul C.
F/0 Yarnes, Harry M.
2nd Lt. Kelleher, John E.
Sgt. Mitchell, Stuart R.
Sgt. Landes, Robert M.
S/Sgt. Green, Earl R.
T/Sgt. Noxon, Joseph J.
T/Sgt. Way, Clarence E.
S/Sgt. Zichterman, A.H.

MISSION 248 -- February 14, 1945. Brux, Czechoslovakia.
The following parts of two combat crews are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
Sgt. McCartney, Daniel J. Jr.
Sgt. Trestik, William
Sgt. Bland, Richard D.
Sgt. Boisvert, Marcel P.
The ship was in flames. The above four men bailed out. 2nd Lt.
Anderson and 2nd Lt. Graves brought the ship home safely with
the rest of the crew.

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Dahlgren, Raymond D.
T/Sgt. Stoeckler, Edward D.
S/Sgt. Majors, Charles L.
S/Sgt. Wanner, Warren R.
S/Sgt. Turner, Edward (NMI)
S/Sgt. Kubiak, Gordon J.
These six men bailed out. The pilot and co-pilot brought the plane back
safely with one other member of the crew.

MISSION 265 --March 9, 1945. Kassel, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

2nd Lt. Scherrman, Paul J.
2nd Lt. Nelson, Earl B.
Flt/O Drohan, Nicholas J. Jr.
2nd Lt. Miska, Manny M.
Sgt. Gasparovich, George M.
Sgt. McLain, Richard W.
Sgt. Monzingo, Garland W.
Sgt. Houghton, Herbert S. Jr.
Sgt. Fitzgerald, Hugh D.

MISSION 275 -- March 22, 1945. Dorsten/Feldhausen, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action:

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Fawcett, Robert D. P
Capt. Gotthardt, R. J. CP
Capt. Stone, George J. N
1st Lt Kowalski, Peter (NMI) B
S/Sgt. Biglin, Joseph H. TT
T/Sgt. Russolino, L.A. R
Sgt. Biskop, Stanley R. WG
2nd Lt Scott, Walter F. TG
2nd Lt. Hiller, Elbert W.
2nd Lt. Banotai, Charles G.

MISSION 277 -- March 24, 1945. Furstenau/Vechtel, Germany.
The following combat crew is Missing in Action.

533rd Squadron
2nd Lt. Jankowiak, Robert E. 0-782292 P
2nd Lt. Roche, Philip R. 0-929834 CP
2nd Lt. Garrett, Wm. D. 0-2074389 N
2nd Lt. Levenson, Herbert H. 0-783475 B
S/Sgt. Moberg, Oscar J. 16137143 R
S/Sgt. McGrath, James 11043406 TT
Sgt. Hensley, John W. 18200417 BT
Sgt. Berger, Paul L. 33836714 WG
Sgt. Beschta, Staley E. 36817521 TG

The following official report was sent to the Chaplain's office from
Headquafters: 2nd Lt. Herbert H. Levenson was flying as Bombardier on
Lt. Jankowiak's crew while on a mission to Furstenau/Vechtel, Germany.
A/C was last observed after being hit by flak in #4 engine knocking prop
off, and the cowling. A/C then went into a glide to the right, under
control but on fire. Leveled off and was under control for about 5 minutes
and was then observed to spiral down and crash on Quackenbruck A/F,
Germany. Still MIA.

535th Squadron
The following enlisted man was reported killed in action, March, 24 1945.
S/Sgt. Bolin, Robert B. 37618860.

MISSION 281 --March 30, 1945. Bremen, Germany.
The following officers and enlisted men were reported as Missing in Action:

535th Squadron
2nd Lt. Bennett, Robert A. 0-833690
2nd Lt. Nelson, Alexander D. 0-2062632
F/0 Cawley, Paul T. T-129489
S/Sgt. Holt, Elbert H. 13180961
T/Sgt. Mumper, Robert H. 33524774
S/Sgt. Majors, Charles L 34884948
T/Sgt. Slomczenski, Chester M. 36853603
S/Sgt. Hockley, Calvin J. 19148983
Sgt. Stubblefield, Guy (NMI) 38346444
S/Sgt. Knaus, Charles F. 37609488

MISSION 283 -- April 4,1945. Hoya A/F, Germany
All planes returned safely.
The following person was Killed in Action on April 4, 1945.

532nd Squadron
Flt/O Thomas, Ralph A. T-5048

MISSION 286 --April 8, 1945. Stendal, Germany.
The following personnel are Missing in Action:

534th Squadron
2nd Lt. Adelmeyer, Harvey E. 0-781505 P
2nd Lt. Frampton, John N. 0-929697
Flt/O Melvin, Norman E. T-133125
T/Sgt. Daily, Richard L. 19017036
T/Sgt. Hayden, James H. 33530557
S/Sgt. Dybicz,, Edward J. 16168443
Sgt. Cobb, Robert E. 37627705
Sgt. Houser, Edward P. 36967997
This aircraft was last seen at 5153 n 1002 e at an Altitude of 4000 ft.
Turbo had been shot off. Aircraft was on fire and went down under control
to put the fire out. Fire first observed on engine #3 and then in bomb bay.
The right wing was burned off. Aircraft started into spin, and exploded.
2 chutes were observed to come out and land in a forest.

(Added later: All members of the crew are reported as Killed
in Action except James H. Hayden and Edward P. Houser.
These two men returned to Ridgewell Aerodrome. They escaped
miraculously from the plane while it was on fire and when it was
spinning to the ground.)
Lt. Harvey Adelmeyer's ship was the last one lost in combat.